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Animal Card Reading

1 h
120 US dollars

Service Description

Are you someone who loves to be outdoors, in nature, hiking, walking, running, biking, swimming? You feel at home, at peace. Civilizations have been teaching that we are always a part of nature. Everything that happens to us has repercussions on Nature and everything that happens to Nature has repercussions on us. Indigenous cultures believed that Spirit could speak to us through Nature. We are given messages when animals cross our path in our daily lives or when we're sleeping. An Animal Card Reading will help you gain insight into your life. Are geckos appearing often around your home? It is probably time to bring calm to the stress in your home, or find the cause of anger. Hawks showing themselves are a sign of greater strength and vision, and we will be protected as we move forward. Daddy Longlegs tells us to trust what is going on behind the scenes. New understanding, creativity and ideas are flowing. Pay attention to what you are seeing during the day. Look for multiple sightings and combinations. Nothing is too big or too small. If you’re looking for further confirmation or guidance, I recommend a Universal Message reading. This is where I use a combination of a Pendulum, Tarot, Animal and Oracle Cards to help gain greater clarity. If you would like an appointment after hours please contact me by email and we can work something out.

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